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The Russian Garden
time:2014-10-03 Views:302次
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from May 1, 1999 to October 31, 1999, China's '99 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition was held in Kunming. Russia, as an exhibitor, once displayed an exhibition garden covering an area of 1500 square meters. Lakes, wooden bridges, Russian wooden houses and mating coniferous pine, larch, shrubs and birch trees all show typical Russian garden gardening characteristics.

Former Site of Russia Garden

China 1999 Kunming World Horticultural Expo was held in Kunming during May 1st-October 31st, 1999. Russia exhibited a garden of 1,500 m2 as a participant. Lake, wooden bridge, Russian log cabin, pine, larix gmelini, shrubs and silver birch all show typical Russian garden characteristics.

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Pavillon ancien de la Russie

De 1 Mai 1999 au 31 Octobre 1999, l'exposition Mondiale Horticole a eu lieu à Kunming. La Russie était un des pays qui participait à cette exposition. Une superficie de 1,500 mètres carrés, il y avaient beaucoup de lacs, les petits pont du bois, les chalets et les arbres typiques sont dans le pavillon.


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